Running first analysis with OOFEM/OORBS

To run the analysis, you simply put the input file in the desired working directory and provide the file name to OOFEM with execution arguments “-f filename“.

The working directory is where the OOFEM will execute and create the output files. You can keep the input files in the same directory.

Select the OOFEM from the run/debug drop-down menu list then select Edit Configuration… from the same menu. The Edit Configuration dialog box will appear.

Here you can set the execution arguments and the location of the run directory. Create a run directory somewhere on your PC and provide the path in this dialog box.

In this example, the is used as the input file and a directory called run_dir as the working directory. You can download from here and put it in your working directory.

Press OK and then press the run button (green play button) to run OOFEM.

The analysis will begin. Make sure that it will go successfully then check the created output files in the working directory.

  ____  ____  __________  ___
 / __ \/ __ \/ __/ __/  |/  /___  _______ _
/ /_/ / /_/ / _// _// /|_/ // _ \/ __/ _ `/
\____/\____/_/ /___/_/  /_(_)___/_/  \_, /
        Copyright (C) 1994-2022 Borek Patzak

Domain info: user time consumed by elements initialization: 0.00s
OctreeLocalizer: init
Spatial localizer init done
Computing initial guess
Computing old tangent
Solving for increment
Initial guess found

StaticStructural :: solveYourselfAt - Solving step 1, metastep 1, (neq = 2134)
NRSolver: Iteration ForceError
NRSolver: 0      D_u:  8.858e-14  D_v:  9.323e-14
NRSolver: 1      D_u:  1.549e-14  D_v:  1.635e-14


StaticStructural :: solveYourselfAt - Solving step 10, metastep 1, (neq = 2134)
NRSolver: Iteration ForceError
NRSolver: 0      D_u:  1.586e-14  D_v:  1.778e-14
NRSolver: 1      D_u:  1.363e-14  D_v:  1.411e-14
EngngModel info: user time consumed by solution step 10: 3.00s

ANALYSIS FINISHED <--  look at this to confirm 

The next step is to post-process the output files…

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